- Administer it directly into the mouth.
- Should be administered as directed on the package.
- Milbemax tablet can also be mixed with food.
- Milbemax for small cats should be given to kittens at 6, 8 and 12 weeks of age, then every 3 months.
- Milbemax for cats should be given to cats weighing over 2 kg (4.4 lbs) every 3 months.
- Nursing queens should be treated at the same time as their kittens.
- For preventing heartworm infection: treat once a month.
- Mature cats should be tested for heartworm before receiving Milbemax.
- If a dose is missed, treat immediately and resume monthly dosing.
Depending on the bodyweight of the cat, the practical dosing is as follows:
- 5 – 1 kg (1.1 – 2.2 lbs) ½ tablet
- > 1 - 2 kg (2.2 – 4.4 lbs) 1 tablet/chew
- >2 – 4 kg(11 – 22 lbs) 2 tablets/chews (1/2 tab of Milbemax for large cats)
- >4 – 8 kg(22 – 55 lbs) 3 tablets/chews (1 tab of Milbemax for large cats)