Popantel for Cats

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19.08 USD
Cat Supplies >> Wormers 2024-11-07

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Popantel for Cats

Popantel for Cats is an allwormer treatment for the eradication of worm infection. The oral treatment controls roundworms (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina), hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme, A. braziliense (rare outside coastal areas of North Queensland, Northern Territory and northern Western Australia), Uncinaria stenocephala) and tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia taeniaeformis). Popantel controls worms and is gentle on cats. It provides effective treatment and has no side effects. The oral treatment is safe to use in all cats including old cats, young kittens, pregnant cats and show cats.

Tablet* - Sold loosely.
P.S: One tablet quantity does not mean one bottle. Popantel tablets will be shipped with pack insert in sealed polythene.

  • Weigh your cat before dosage.
  • Give it as a single dose by mouth.
  • It is effective to dose cats on an empty stomach.


  • ≤5 kg (5 lbs) : ½ tablet
  • 6 to 5 kg (5 – 11 lbs) : 1 tablet
  • > 5 kg (11lbs): 1 tablet/5 kg (11 lbs)

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Best allwormer

Popantel is the best all wormer for my doggos..

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Highly effective

It was effective for hookworm in my dogs.

 1 2 3 4 5  ...  

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